Balboa was one of Leonard Pollikof’s first designs. Wide diagonal stripes are painted with 4 inch foam brushes in two colors. Then two narrow stripes are painted with one-inch foam brushes held sideways.…
Excerpt from NY Times Home Beat, July 28 1977
“IF YOU’RE going to give me an expensive gift,” said Leonard Pollikof, the Los Angeles interior designer, “give, me a painting.” He prefers a Johns or a Rauschenberg. It was his interest in contemporary art that led to the creation of “Dropcloth,” his first line of handpainted fabrics. It is being sold to the trade locally through Groundworks, Pat Green’s wallpaper and fabric showroom at 231 East 58th Street.…
Plate 52 California Drop Cloth “Celebration” Fabric, 1979 (VII-7) Through the curious reversals of California’s informal culture, which during the 1960s and 1970s firmly established the validity of its design independence, a painter’s drop cloth is translated into a custom upholstery fabric, prized for the beauty of its color combinations. Alluding to the spontaneous gestures…
Design Since 1945 – Philadelphia Museum of Art Published 1983 Excerpt: Using paint pigments, not dyes, nor silkscreen or other printing techniques, but the hands of artist-craftsmen, California Drop Cloth produces a line of fabrics for upholstery and wall coverings, custom printed* in individually chosen color combinations. Among the earliest of it’s some seventy patterns,…