Design Since 1945 – Philadelphia Museum of Art
Published 1983
Using paint pigments, not dyes, nor silkscreen or other printing techniques, but the hands of artist-craftsmen, California Drop Cloth produces a line of fabrics for upholstery and wall coverings, custom printed* in individually chosen color combinations. Among the earliest of it’s some seventy patterns, “Drop Cloth” and “Celebration” resemble the random effects of the painter’s drop cloth, but each, though hand painted and “redesigned” as executed, remains with a loose, predetermined design structure. Other patterns included stripes, foliage, and abstract motifs set against areas of flat background tones. California Drop Cloth was founded in 1975 by Leonard Polikoff, an interior designer and graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, who sees his innovative approach as providing “unstructured design for structured placement in an environment (1980).
Reference: Les Gilbert, “Happenings West: Drop Cloths Turn to Fabric Art”, “Home Fashion Textiles, Vol. 1 (June 1980, pp 63, 65

“Celebration”by California Drop Cloth. Wing sample in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
*(editor’s note- all fabrics were hand-painted not printed)